Desert safari ® is a Brand name in desert safari jaisalmer, best desert tour package, pre wedding shoots destination, indian wedding pre shoot
Desert safari ® is a Brand name in desert safari jaisalmer, best desert tour package, pre wedding shoots destination, indian wedding pre shoot
It is the excellent renowned park of ecosystem of Thar. Area of this park is 3162 sq. km. Great Indian Bustard, black buck, Chinkara, desert fox, wolf, desert cat are found in this area. The topography of park comprises of rocks, Compact salt lake bottoms and vast sand dunes. Small grasses, shrubs, climatic trees Jal, Ker etc. are found. Sudasiri is the best spot in the part. Water hole of this place attracts great bustard.
It is the world fame desert bird. It is large, heavy and attractive bird of the Thar. It has long neck, long legs and black crown. Weight of this bird(male) is 8 to 15kg and female 3.5 to 7kg. It lives in arid and semiarid grass lands. Male is polygamous. Female lays single egg once in a year and incubates about 17 days. It breeds in March to September. It is omnivourous in diet. It is few in numbers.